PEOPLE living in a quiet residential street in Helensburgh have voiced their concerns at plans for a meat-drying and processing facility close to their homes.

As reported in last week's Advertiser, Mr Anton Erlank has asked Argyll and Bute Council for permission to convert a garage at his property at 20 Marmion Avenue for the purpose.

But four people living in neighbouring properties in Marmion Avenue have written to the local authority to raise objections to the planning application.

R. and E. McKenzie, who live next door to the property at number 22, say: “While valuing Mr Erlank as a neighbour, we must inform you that we are vehemently opposed to this ludicrous plan.

“Like most of our neighbours, we have lived in our home for many years and enjoy Marmion Avenue as a pleasant, peaceful and residential area and we certainly do not want such a facility so close to our house and garage.”

Another Marmion Avenue resident, Janette Allan, voices fears over the noise, smell, hygiene an and privacy impact of the development if it receives permission.

Gerard Whyte, who lives at number 24, says in his objection: “Not only will it [the facility] attract vermin, it could be a health hazard to neighbouring residents and will interfere with the drainage system.”

Mr Erlank – who already makes biltong in the kitchen of his family's home – admitted that he did not know how much of a smell impact there would be if his project is approved by planning officers – but said fears over traffic levels were misplaced.

“If the smell became a problem for neighbours there would be ways around it to curb the problem,” he said.

“Some people are concerned that there would be trucks stopping in the road offloading carcasses. That will definitely not be happening.

“It's not a butcher or a butcher's shop. It will be relatively small amounts of meat.”

* More from Mr Erlank in the next print edition of the Helensburgh Advertiser - on sale from Thursday, April 13.