The Turbines Evaluation Group – Helensburgh and Area (TEG-H) will investigate, gather information and make a balanced assessment of the facts involved in a wind farm.

The group, made up of nine residents, is neither for nor against wind farms, members just want to make sure all the facts, benefits and risks attached to a proposal are looked at.

TEG-H will produce information to raise public awareness on the key issues and will publish findings on its website. Once it has evaluated information, the group advise whether the turbines should be supported or opposed.

A spokesman for the Turbines Evaluation Group said: “TEG-H seeks evidence and analysis. Whatever decision gets made about the Helensburgh wind farm scheme should be based on informed assessment of what is best for Helensburgh and area in the long term.

“Just as past generations have made Helensburgh a fine town, so we must do the same for future generations. A precedent set now, one way or the other, could have far-reaching implications for the future. There needs to be thorough and balanced evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the wind farm proposal. The Helensburgh Advertiser made a start with its public meeting last year. TEG-H is continuing that process.

“May we draw attention to our new website and to our letter in the letters section of this week’s edition. TEG-H will do its best to seek and to disseminate information.” TEG-H members include archaeologist Fiona Baker, accountant Bill Hassall, retired chairman of Babtie Group Graham Kinder, University of Glasgow retiree Alastair Macbeth, Nigel Millar, Norman Muir, former banker Peter Ramsay, economist Geoff Riddington and forester David Robertson.