Visitors to the website are able to view a photographic slideshow of pupils taking part in learning and activities.

There is also a page introducing the different curriculums in the school.

As well as this, there are pages dedicated to international education and exchanges, extra curricular activities, and the parent teacher council.

A spokesman from the school said: “Over the last two years the site has been developed in partnership with Mtc Design Limited and Hermitage staff; who together have worked tirelessly to produce a website which reflects the vision of the school.

“It provides the public, parents, pupils, and staff information and the opportunity to recognise Hermitage Academy as a first class, professional, and state-of-the-art educational establishment which at its heart provides a rich curriculum and experience which empowers young people to achieve their potential, experience success and feel prepared for life after school.

“Navigation of the site is now very user friendly with news items, information on extracurricular clubs and activities immediately accessible on the home page.

“All other relevant information is accessible by using the menu bar at the top of the screen.” The school is now working to add more useful and relevant content and hope to have the second phase of content added early into the next session.

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