John Logie Baird, arguably Helensburgh’s most famous son, was born 125 years ago on August 14 1888.

And now, to mark the milestone, Jackie Baillie MSP proposed a motion in the Scottish Parliament recognising Baird’s contribution to the television industry.

The motion read: “That the Parliament commemorates the 125th birthday of John Logie Baird; notes that the television inventor was born in Helensburgh on 14 August 1888 and considers that his legacy is truly global; acknowledges that the Helensburgh Heroes Project has purchased John Logie Baird artefacts to add to its Heroes Centre collection and has the backing and support of John Logie Baird’s family to promote his achievements in the town; recognises John Logie Baird’s contribution to the television industry, and remembers his lasting achievement.

The motion was supported by a cross-party group of MSPs — Jim Hume, Dennis Robertson, Nigel Don, Clare Adamson, Jayne Baxter, Angus MacDonald, Jackson Carlaw, Adam Ingram, Colin Beattie, Annabelle Ewing, Neil Findlay, Kenneth Gibson, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Stuart McMillan, Kevin Stewart, Sandra White, David Torrance.

Phil Worms, founder and director of Helesburgh Heroes said the project team was delighted that the life and achievements of John Logie Baird had been recognised by the Scottish Parliament in this way.

He added: “We can’t under estimate the influence that his vision and pioneering experiments have had on the modern world, he really was a genius and an inspiration to anyone who wants to innovate and create. The concept of celebrating local people and their achievements connects us as individuals to our communities, and empowers us to raise our own expectations of what we are all capable of.” Helensburgh, he said, like many towns across Scotland, had a history of nurturing many successful and inspirational people and they were, therefore, very pleased that the Heroes Centre project had been mentioned in this motion and that it had gained cross party support.

He added: “Jackie Baillie has been a strong advocate of our aims and objectives since the project’s early conceptual days and we can only thank her for her continued and valued support.”