WE all know the recession is hitting local Councils hard.

Their spending in recent years has been cut by the Scottish Government and will continue to be cut. Argyll & Bute Council claims it has already saved �20M in the past few years. Over the next seven years it needs to cut a further �40M. What will this mean for us and the Council services we receive - education, social services, roads, libraries and the rest? Where should the cuts be made and what will their impact be?

Almost by accident the Helensburgh Community Council learned that Argyll & Bute Council is currently holding a public consultation exercise on the options for its 2013/14 budget. It is asking you what its priorities should be. As usual however this is an exercise few of us knew anything about but the Helensburgh Community Council (HCC ) now has the details. These can be found online at : www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/budgetconsultation2013 Over the range of Council services you will asked : a.. What services should be prioritised?

b.. Where should Council spending be cut?

c.. Where should it be increased?

d.. Do you have any other suggestions?

You can reply online, by e-mail or by post. You should also add in areas where you think the Council wastes money and should be cut out altogether.

It might appear as if the HCC is doing the Council's job for it by publicising this important consultation. We think so too and this is not the first time. Recently we complained bitterly about the poor publicity given to important consultation exercises on the Council's draft Pier Head Masterplan and its Economic Development Acton Plan 2013-2018. No surprises here but public response was poor. Because the Council budget affects us all the HCC URGES YOU to take part in this exercise and let the Council know what YOU want to see in the budget. Please have a go and respond.

Helensburgh Community Council