With reference to last week's comments on the proposed wind farm in Cove and Kilcreggan.

I would like to draw to the public's attention a couple of very important web links, before anyone makes up their minds. I think these will be especially relevant to people living opposite the proposed wind farm site. It makes very interesting readings how the published photomontages can be so misleading and give a very different impression.

http://www.no-tiree-array.org.uk/?p=2837 http://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Argyll%20and%20Bute%20Landscape%20Wind%20Energy%20Capacity%20Study%20Part%201.pdf I would also be very grateful if someone from Argyll & Bute council to explain the statement given in their Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study March 2012 "There is no scope to accommodate turbines above 50m height within the smaller scale, settled coastal/loch fringes and islands due to their increased landscape sensitivity to tall turbines, including potential cumulative effects with wind farm development in adjacent upland areas"

I find it hard to see why the plans for this wind farm were allowed to be lodged in the first place and therefore wasting more public funds. When clearly from the above statement the proposed plans do NOT meet with the above criteria. I made contact with the Trust responsible for the planning application and their response was as follows.

The Trust's Planning Statement and the supplementary papers submitted as part of the Planning Application, all of which are available online on the Argyll & Bute website, set out in great detail the proposals of the Community Development Trust in relation to landscape an design issues, along with the report of the independent expert commissioned to advise on those aspects of the development, and the comments of the two further independent consultants on this matter. It is anticipated that the Council will consider these submissions and all other relevant policies and reports in considering the planning application.

So all I can take from this reply is, even though thousands of pounds of Argyll & Bute's money was spent producing this report!! Because we have employed three experts "At public expense" they could overturn this statement in the report. So therefore producing the report in the first place was a total waste of money