A LIFE-SAVING piece of equipment has been installed at a bowling club in Helensburgh.

Members of Colgrain Bowling Club recently presented representatives of the Helensburgh and District CPR/Defibrillator Association with a cheque for £1,700.

The money purchased a defibrillator which is now housed outside the front door of the bowling club and available for use all the time.

Club president Billy Harvey told the Advertiser: "We talked about getting one for a while and applied for a grant which covered the cost.

"I think it will be a great asset to have. We are a popular and busy location with lots of people using the facilities.

"It's a good thing to have. We hope that it will never have to be used but if it is and it saves a life its worth it."

Although the defibrillator is installed and available for use, the bowling club's staff have still to receive their training which will be organised shortly.

Anyone in the community who is interested in being trained in the use of a defibrillator is asked to get in touch with the bowling club who will try to slot them into a training session.