NO public toilets in Argyll and Bute will close after the area's councillors decided not to back a suggested saving in the authority's 2018-19 budget.

A report by council officers said closing 36 of the 57 public toilet facilities across the local authority area - including the facility in Rhu - would save £145,000 over the next three years.

But the council's ruling administration decided not to go along with the 'savings option' put forward by officials.

Instead it will look at different ways of operating toilets in future, including handing them over to community groups.

In her budget speech last week, council leader and Helensburgh councillor Aileen Morton said: "It is clear from the budget consultation, from coverage in the press, and from people who speak to us directly, that the proposal to close some toilets was unwelcome.

"So our decision is that no toilets are to be closed.

"However, bearing in mind that the future is uncertain and this is not a statutory service we are progressing sustainable models and will look to support community groups taking facilities over."

The administration's spending plans were unanimously backed at last Thursday's budget meeting at the council's Lochgilphead HQ.