HELENSBURGH’S MP has hailed his party’s “historic and spectacular” victory in the European Parliament election – both in Argyll and Bute and across Scotland.

The SNP’s commanding victory across the country was mirrored in Argyll and Bute, where the party secured 37 per cent of the constituency vote – an 8.8 per cent increase on the last European poll in 2014.

READ MORE: Argyll and Bute's European election result in full

SNP MP Brendan O’Hara said: “This has been both a historic and a spectacular victory for the SNP and once again Brexit has been overwhelmingly rejected by the people of both Argyll and Bute.

“We said No to Brexit in 2016 and this result makes it clear: we meant it.

“The people of this constituency know, perhaps more than most, the devastating effect Brexit will have on our ability to attract the people we desperately need to come and live, work, invest and raise a family here.

READ MORE: Helensburgh's Labour MSP slams her party's European election campaign

“Regardless of where they come from, we need people and that’s why any Brexit – but particularly the version in offer from the Tories – would be absolutely devastating for the future of Argyll and Bute.

“We cannot accept a Brexit that silences our nation, our democracy and that fails to represent the interests of people in Scotland.

READ MORE: Euro vote 'no mandate for indyref2', says Conservative MSP

“Every single day I’m at Westminster I will continue working with anyone and everyone who is committed to stopping Brexit and all the ensuing economic damage it will do, particularly to Argyll and Bute and to Scotland.

READ MORE: Helensburgh councillor hails 'real surge' in Lib Dem support at EU vote

“All that Westminster has to offer is more chaos and confusion – potentially under the new leadership of a hard-right, extreme Tory Brexiteer – which is why more and more people will come to the conclusion that Scotland’s future is best served as a normal independent country.”