MEMBERS of Helensburgh's 1000 Voices project have been clicking their knitting needles for a good cause by making twiddlemuffs.

The Knitting Bee group were approached by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) to help with providing the items for patients living with dementia and they more than rose to the challenge.

Jenny Watt, from the NHSGGC health improvement team explained: “Dementia patients often have restless hands, so having a muff helps to keep them occupied.

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"The different textures of ribbons and beads provide sensory stimulation and help to prevent patients from scratching their skin instead.

"This latest batch will be used specifically in a new project occurring at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley called Friendly Faces.

"This scheme encourages family members and carers to stay with patients during some hospital procedures in order to keep them calm and reassured, and these twiddlemuffs will be a welcome addition."

READ MORE: Extra help for dementia patients at Vale of Leven Hospital

After receiving the kind donation from the Helensburgh group, Jenny added: "Thanks to everyone for your hard work – they’re absolutely gorgeous!”

If you are interested in trying your hand at making a twiddlemuff of your own, contact Alison Gildea, 1000 Voices coordinator, on 01436 671613.

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