HELENSBURGH Boys’ Brigade has issued another appeal for volunteer leaders as the group gears up for a phased return to activities.

With the pandemic forcing members to find other ways to keep in touch, including e-bulletins and local competitions, up to four leaders have been lost due to age, ill health, work and family reasons.

And the group's captain, Iain Talman, says that unless more adults come forward to help, the Company Section – for boys aged 11-15 – may have to be discontinued.

READ MORE: Boys' Brigade in Helensburgh issues appeal for new adult leaders

The usual meet-up venue at Helensburgh Parish Church halls remains unavailable and all face-to-face BB activities are suspended until at least the start of September, with and Iain desperate for a return soon.

A competition with questions on sport, transport, Helensburgh and even rainbows was won by Ewan Fry-Brockie, a member of the Anchor Boys group, seen above with Iain, receiving his prize, at a suitable physical distance, of a trophy and some toy vehicles.

Iain said: “The Brigade is making plans for what is likely to be a phased return and it may be some time until face-to-face meeting are safely possible.

READ MORE: Advertiser View: The challenge facing the Boys' Brigade in Helensburgh

“The other big question for us is whether we will have leaders to enable resumption. Our pleas and the Advertiser’s have not brought any volunteers yet.

“We are probably going to have to discontinue the Company Section, while the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, in which we have three candidates at different stages, is going to continue in modified form.”

If you’re interested in helping out Contact firsthelensburgh@gmail.com or call Iain on 07810 801115.

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