HELENSBURGH’S St Joseph’s Primary School kicked off their year with a special Welcome Day, where each primary waved a cheery hello into each classroom walking around the side of the building.

With coronavirus restrictions curtailing normal back to school welcomes at a gathered assembly, the kids at St Joe’s had to come up with an alternative way to see their fellow classmates and wish them well for the year ahead.

Michelle Collins, head teacher at St Joseph’s Primary School, said: “On September 22, the whole school got involved in welcoming each other – complying, of course, with all safety restrictions.

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“Each class had prepared posters or props to demonstrate what they had been learning or to create a welcome message and, one class at a time, they walked round the outside of the building, waving in to each other’s classes.

“All the children were smiling and each class was welcomed wholeheartedly by all the others.

“P7 had a particularly poignant message of welcome for our P1 children, simply saying ‘Welcome to all our new P1s’ and proudly presented this at the P1 window with all the new children absolutely delighted!

“We’re all thinking out of the box these days and St Joseph’s certainly found a way of maintaining their lovely, family atmosphere amid a global pandemic.”

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