MEMBERS of the congregation at Rhu and Shandon Parish Church got into the royal spirit with a Platinum Jubilee lunch party after worship on Sunday morning to celebrate the Queen’s 70 years of service.

The church service itself was led by the session clerk, Andrew Nisbet, while the building was decorated with bunting dating back to the Coronation in 1953, as well as a floral arrangement with a crown and flag.

Afterwards Fiona Hughes held a ‘name that tune quiz’ featuring a selection of popular songs from the last 70 years - proving both popular and successful with all those who took part.

The lunch itself, served in the church hall afterwards, included Coronation Chicken, Union Flag pavlova and cake, as well as the Queen’s favourite pudding - Dubonnet Dessert.

Andrew Nicholson, depute lieutenant of Dunbartonshire, proposed a toast to the health of Her Majesty to bring a happy event to a close.

It was a very successful and happy day!