A DROP-IN event which offered people advice on heating their homes in the face of increasing energy bills was recently held in Cardross.

The Warm Homes event was organised by Cardross Climate Action Network (Cardross CAN) and featured a programme of presentations from Home Energy Scotland, the Citizens Advice Bureau, and ALI Energy.

Citizens Advice had a queue of people waiting to speak with them at their stall for some of the afternoon, and Smart Group and CMS Surveyors reported lots of interest in solar panels, heat pumps, and battery storage.

Around 120 people attended the event, which was supported by 27 volunteers as well as several stallholders.

“We were very encouraged by the response to the event,” a Cardross CAN spokesperson said.

“There was a fun atmosphere, with kids play area, and coffee corner with loads of home baking. Feedback from visitors and stall holders was very positive.

“People leaving the event seemed excited about the potential for their homes, and some were deeply relieved after receiving real help with their financial concerns.

“We are grateful to our sponsors, Cardross Co-op and Dunbritton Housing Association’s Community Support Fund.

“Thanks too to the army of Cardross CAN volunteers who delivered leaflets, baked, and helped to run the event.”

Photos by Reiss McGuire