Time is running out for the public to have their say on the cornerstone of Helensburgh waterfront - and only 70 people have given their view so far.

Council bosses have so far received 20 "enquiries" about the the now empty plot in front of the new Helensburgh Leisure Centre, where the former pool used to sit.

Helensburgh Community Council (HCC) has been pushing against the idea of the entire site being occupied by a large national retailer, such as a Lidl or Marks & Spencer.

Surveys by campaigners have repeatedly shown the idea of a single retailer is not backed by the public either.

Now HCC has launched a dedicated survey on their website offering options for residents to have their say.

Last week's HCC meeting heard that so far, fewer than one in five of those who have responded (17.7 per cent) backed a large retail development.

Just over half - 53.2 per cent - are in favour of an additional leisure development.

Another 11.3 per cent were in favour of community facilities.

And 3.2 per cent backed local retail development, while a further 14.5 per cent said "other".

The figures reinforce the message from HCC's Vision for Helensburgh statistics last year that showed opposition to a large retail development dominating the waterfront.

Scan this QR code to visit the website for the survey and have your say.

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The survey states: "Helensburgh Community Council wants to make sure that the community has its input into the nature of the site with Argyll and Bute Council, and not just have our voices heard in the final stage of the normal planning process.

"On this website, we outline the potential of the site, articulate Helensburgh Community Council’s position on what should be developed in this crucial key location in the town and, most importantly, ask for your input on what you would like to see."

Community councillors admitted the survey had yet to be promoted and that they were aiming to get hundreds of more responses in the next three weeks.

They will be asking anyone attending the clubs and societies event this weekend at Victoria Halls as well as the groups attending for their feedback.

HCC convener Norman Muir said they met with Argyll and Bute Council officials and had made "a little bit of headway".

Mr Muir told HCC's February meeting: "I think they are coming around to [the idea of] a mix of retail and community leisure.

"It was very positive in that they realise they have to engage with us from now on."

Community councillor Peter Brown said they were told at the meeting that there were 20 letters enquiring about the prime site - though those are not formal expressions of interest, and the process is still at an early stage.

Mr Brown said April was the next milestone after this initial phase for the council.

Mr Muir added: "We are always coming from behind the curve. What we have to do is get ahead of the game.

"I take a leson from our new councillors. We have got to be more constructive. It's a good start."

Helensburgh Central councillor Gary Mulvaney, Argyll and Bute Council's depute leader, told the authority's Helensburgh and Lomond area committee in December that "no single retailer will be on that site".