THERE were some famous faces at John Logie Baird Primary School recently, with pupils and staff dressing up as characters from a host of books and stories for World Book Day.

The impressive costumes included the likes of Paddington Bear, Cruella De Vil, a variety of witches and wizards from Hogwarts, and lots of comic book heroes.

During the day, children read their favourite stories, made bookmarks, designed new characters for stories and learned from an illustrator how to draw Dave the pigeon.

P7/6 had a Hogwarts Day and they had to draw illustrations of beasts, design a new potion and invent a new professor character. They also worked with their buddies.

The day culminated in a whole school scavenger hunt. The staff chose their favourite children’s book and the school hunted the pictures and solved the clues about the teacher who chose each book.