With the first day of spring fast approaching, two groups of winning pupils are well on their way to ensuring these spring showers bring summer flowers.

Last week we reported how Rosneath Primary designs had been shortlisted for the national 2023 Pocket Garden Design Competition.

It's the second year in a row that the school has made it to the final out of 200 entries across Scotland.

Now, they'll have to grow them and submit them to a public vote in June.

Now we can reveal their TWO top designs, from both P1 and P4/5 pupils, showing off the ambitious green thumb plans for the months ahead.

Emma McDermid, head teacher of Rosneath Primary, told the Advertiser: "We are delighted two of our classes have been selected as finalists in this year’s Pocket Garden competition.

"Gardening is a fun, physical way to teach our pupils the art of patience and perseverance in order for their designs to take shape and thrive.

"We hope this opportunity will not only engage our pupils love of their school community environment, but also increase their self-esteem whilst enjoying working with their peers.

"Both designs reflect the creative personalities of each class, capturing their vision for this year’s competition theme, ‘celebration’.

"We are all really excited to watch our green fingered gardeners bring their designs to life."

Rosneath Primary 1

P1 pupils at the school were very excited for the Keep Scotland Beautiful competition and wanted to celebrate water.

"We don't want to waste food at Rosneath Primary School," they said.

Using water, the youngers are learning how to grow spring onions, leeks and onions to use their ingredients to make soup.

Their garden design includes recycling old pallets as a frame, a sink as a bird bath and milk bottle tops.

They decided to include a bath for bees along with a rainbow of wildflowers to address more wildlife to their garden.

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Rosneath Primary 4/5

Pupils chose several themes on "celebration" for their design, focusing on their interest in the Japanese Blossom Festival.

This annual event welcomes the return of spring and new beginnings. It is also a reminder to pay attention and live in the moment, as bloosoms are so fleeting, said the class.

Their design includes plants for polinators, such as mint, borage, honeysuckle and heather. Th The school said: "The bathtub was chosen as the perfect planter as it is ‘reusing’ something vast, which would otherwise be thrown away.

"Plans to paint the bath tub will fit in with the surroundings, sitting under two lovely cherry blossom trees.

"Bird feeders made of teacups will represent the tea ceremonies Japanese families enjoy at this time and the children intend to write Haikus, which will be hidden among the plants.

"The children included bug hotels, a rain collector and a watering spot for bees and birds.

"There are plants providing food for humans and wildlife alike such as; strawberries, peas, lettuce and spinach.

"In addition to their creation, a bench and a Mini Zen Garden will provide a quiet spot for reflection to be enjoyed by all over the course of the busy school day."

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