Helensburgh and Lomond locals enjoyed a “calming” meditation session hosted by Reiki practitioners in Geilston Garden at the weekend.

Reiki practitioners Morven and Lewis of Lichtie Healing held the relaxing session on Saturday, June 10 where attendees enjoyed the sounds of nature accompanied by instruments such as chimes, prayer bowls, and drums.

Due to the success of the event, two more have been planned with a child friendly event planned for July and an adult session scheduled for August.

Alana Ingram from the Friends of Geilston group, which organised the event, said: “The sun shone, a little breeze rippled the leaves in the trees overhead, the birds sang and the burn burbled away in the background.

“All combined with the wonderful tones generated by shamanic drums, crystal bowls, Tibetan prayer bowls, and chimes to produce an amazing immersive experience of sounds promoting relaxation and tranquillity.

“Morven and Lewis of Lichtie Healing created a calming meditative experience which was unique and so in tune with the Garden.

“The event was so popular a second session was introduced and further sessions in the garden are planned.”

Another event for adults is planned for Saturday, August 12, while a sound bath for children aged five to 15 will be held on Saturday, July 29.

Children must be accompanied by an adult – with a maximum of two children per adult allowed.

More information will be made available for those interested in attending either event.