A CHOIR set up for the wives of serving military personnel is encouraging ladies in the Helensburgh and Lomond area with reservists in their family to join the group.

The West of Scotland Military Wives Choir put out the appeal to mark Reserves Day 2023.

The choir, which holds rehearsals in the town's Drumfork Community Centre, provides a space for women with a military connection to make friends and sing together - with no auditions and no musical knowledge required.

Reserves Day is being celebrated today - Wednesday, June 21 - and honours those who are part of the British Army’s reserve forces, who undergo army training and serve part-time while balancing military life with their civilian jobs.

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The appeal comes as the choir - which celebrated 10 years of the Military Wives Choir movement in December - prepares to sing in Helensburgh this weekend at the final concert in Helensburgh Parish Church's 'Sunday at Seven' concert series.

The concert takes place at the church this Sunday, June 25, at 7pm. 

It lasts for one hour and entry is free, with the opportunity to give a donation as you leave.

The choir holds practice sessions in the McRoberts Suite at the Drumfork Community Centre on Monday evenings between 6.45pm and 8.45pm.

Those who are interested in joining can email westofscotland@militarywiveschoirs.org to find out more or take a look at the West of Scotland Military Wives Choir page on Facebook.