NEW road markings are urgently needed to prevent a serious accident on a busy stretch of road near Helensburgh, residents have warned.

The call comes after one Shandon resident had two narrow escapes - the most recent last week - when attempting to turn right off the A814 on to the road leading to Queens Point.

Resident Wendy McLean's concerns were echoed by Rhu and Shandon Community Council.

And an Argyll and Bute councillor for Lomond North has pledged to take up the case - though the local authority itself says it is unaware of any issues.

But the exact measures that could make a difference remain unclear.

Mrs McLean said her husband had a collision last year and a near miss last week from drivers unwilling to accommodate those turning off the road.

She told the Advertiser on July 13: "About fifteen minutes ago, for the second time in a year, my husband has narrowly avoided being killed when indicating to turn into Queens Point on his way home.

Helensburgh Advertiser: Road sign indicating upcoming turn to right onto Queens PointRoad sign indicating upcoming turn to right onto Queens Point (Image: Google)

"Last August a female driver smashed into the rear of his car at full speed when he was stationary and indicating right.

"That was bad enough, but this morning a driver in a grey Subaru, after driving behind him from Sinclair Street through Rhu, overtook him at approximately 60mph as my husband was indicating to turn right into Queens Point from the main road.

"I think split second timing was all that saved a side-on smash at that speed."

She continued: "Every time we come home, we start indicating as soon as the right turn sign is reached, to give sufficient notice of intention to turn right at the up coming junction to try and avoid this sort of thing happening.

"I believe it is now essential that the junction area around Queens Point junction is painted with double lines and 'no overtaking' signs erected.

"The next incident could be a fatal one."

At present, double white lines in the centre of the road heading north from Rhu only extend as far as the entrance to the former Lochside House care home, near the Shandon war memorial.

Rule 129 of the Highway Code states that "where the line nearest to [a motorist] is solid, "this means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road".

It continues: "You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less."

That stretch of the A814 has a speed limit of 50 miles per hour.

Jean Cook, secretary of Rhu and Shandon Community Council, told the Advertiser that without action to tackle speeding in the area the consequences could be life-threatening. 

She said: "It is a very busy section of road for turnoffs. [There are] more than 200 on the electoral roll so conservatively 150 vehicles access and egress this section of the road regularly, plus all the delivery vehicles and school buses.

READ MORE: A814: Road near Faslane reopens after four-vehicle crash

"The police have not been able to inform us about all incidents and the only way to collect information is to mount a social media campaign.

"There is only one exit off this section of the A814 road, which has a double lane for turnoff.

"Double lines would be impossible beyond The Briars, where there are five turnoffs on the right and one on the left, within some 300 metres.

"There have been five serious accidents on this latter section to my knowledge, two in the past couple of years, and many near misses."

She added: "It has been suggested that as well as the turning lanes, the speed limit should be reduced to 40mph.

"This will be resisted both by some residents and the naval base.

"But there will be a fatality at some stage.

"As well as the problem for motorists, crossing this road to get to the beach or a bus stop is a dangerous operation.

"Many vehicles do not stick to the speed limit."

READ MORE: A814 speeding fears: 'It's only a matter of time before someone is killed'

Provost Maurice Corry, councillor for Lomond North, said he was unaware of the issue, but said he would be in touch with Argyll and Bute Council's roads team to ask what could be done "ASAP to make the situation safer for drivers and vehicles".

But a spokesperson for Argyll and Bute Council said there had not been any problems for five years.

They said: "The council’s accident database has no record of any incident within the last five years at this location.

"This stretch of road carries, at set times, a high volume of traffic, but high traffic volumes tend to reduce average speeds.

"At other times, the route can be fast moving, but forward visibility is good.

"At present, there are no plans to carry out any additional signing or lining schemes at this location.

"We would encourage all drivers to take care at junctions and abide by the speed limit.”