PEOPLE in Helensburgh are being invited to celebrate the changing of the seasons at a special event in Cardross this weekend.

The Friends of Geilston are inviting the public to join them at a 'Celebration of Autumn' event at Geilston Garden in Cardross.

The theme this year is sustainability, providing opportunities to learn new skills to use resources in different ways.

There will be garden games, lovely hot soup kindly provided by The Ginger Breadman, and the ever popular tea and cake stall. And there will be apples too - to admire, to learn about and to eat.

The event takes place on Sunday, October 1 from 12 noon until 4pm.

Normal NTS garden entry fees apply, free for NTS members and £1 for Young Scot Cardholders. See the NTS website for details of entry fees and NTS membership