A Helensburgh youth group hopes to give children a space to talk about and handle their worries.

Wise for my Size is held in The Bridge at Helensburgh Parish Church on Tuesdays from 3.30pm to 4.25pm and 6.30pm to 7.25pm and on Thursdays from 5.30pm to 6.25pm.

Suitable for children aged six to 12, the sessions look into why people worry and help young people discover coping methods.

Teacher and children’s coach Jacqueline McGill co-founded the organisation and will be leading the groups.

Jacqueline said: “In Wise for My Size groups we will be meeting our worries and exploring how our brains work and why worry pops up.

“As we become more comfortable around our worry, we can shrink it and take action.”

Aimed at older children between 11 and 14, Wiser for my Size also runs at The Bridge on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 7.25pm.

For more information, email jac@pursuitofwisdomcoachng.com.