YOUNG people in Helensburgh and Lomond with a passion for climate are wanted to help transform the national park around Loch Lomond.

The Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority has launched a campaign intending to diversify their membership of its National Park Youth Committee. 

Youth committee members help make decisions on key issues including climate change, how land is used, improving public transport for rural communities and green career opportunities.

Members gain work experience, participate in National Park Board meetings, help shape policies and develop youth-led projects.

The youth committee is open to young people aged 14-26, and the Park Authority is particularly keen to hear from potential members aged 17-26.

Dr Heather Reid, convener of the park authority's board, said: “We are facing unprecedented challenges to nature, to climate and to our lives that depend on them. 

"I strongly believe that young people are essential if we are to turn the tide on these issues and deliver the change that is required to protect our National Park for future generations.

“Our youth committee offers young people a unique opportunity to take action on issues that matter to them, issues such as the climate and nature crises, which we know young people are concerned and passionate about, as well as the transition to a greener economy, which will directly impact the jobs available to them.”

 The drive to recruit more members reflects the increased importance the Park Authority is placing on involving young people in decisions that will impact the National Park for decades to come.

Members can also benefit from skills development, networking opportunities, hands-on volunteering work and events that bring together young people from National Parks across the UK.

The drive to recruit more young people to the youth committee comes at a pivotal moment as the Park Authority prepares to publish a new five-year plan, the National Park Partnership Plan.   

The upcoming Plan will set out the action required to deliver a thriving National Park that is nature-positive and carbon-negative by 2045.

More information about getting involved with the Youth Committee can be found on the National Park Authority website at or by emailing