HELENSBURGH residents who would like to give something back to their community are being urged to consider standing for election to Helensburgh Community Council.

Two vacancies have opened up on the community council, and a by-election to fill them will be held in May.

But anyone interested in standing has less than a week to get their nomination papers in: the deadline is 4pm on Thursday, March 21.


The by-election in Helensburgh, along with elections for community councils across Argyll and Bute, will be held on Thursday, May 2.

Secretary Sarah Davies said: “Our spaces are due sadly to the passing of Norman Muir and another member spending time abroad.

“It is the community council’s role to liaise with the local community and share information with Argyll and Bute Council.

“We would be particularly pleased to have more young people on the council.”

People wishing to represent their community council must be 16 or over on the day of election, reside in the community council area and be named on the elector register for the community council area in which they are standing.

Nominations must be lodged with the returning officer either via emailing elections@argyll-bute.gov.uk and or delivering the papers to the council's headquarters Lochgilphead, by hand or by post while withdrawals must be lodged no later than 4pm on Thursday, March 21.

Nomination forms can be obtained from the returning officer at the addresses above or can be downloaded from the Argyll and Bute Council website, www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/elections.

For more information or an informal discussion about the role, contact secretary Sarah Davies on sarahdaviesde@yahoo.co.uk or visit the Helensburgh Community Council website and Facebook page.