Helensburgh motorists can get expert advice on driving and road safety at an event in town later this month.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists [IAM], in partnership with Police Scotland, is holding a drop-in event ta Hermitage Academy on Sunday, April 21 from 10.30am to 4pm.

Open to all with a car or motorcycle licence, members of the public will have the opportunity to have an assessment by an advanced driver or rider who will take participants on a 20-minute route from Hermitage Academy.

Jim Bowles from the IAM said: “At the Institute of Advanced Motorists we say that having your driving skills periodically reviewed is part of being a responsible motorist.

“It is a great way to ensure that you and your passengers are safe.

“Even if you are an excellent driver, our expert assessor can make sure your skills are as sharp as they can be.”

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will be supporting the event by providing equipment and a virtual reality programme.

Visitors can also drop in for a cuppa and gain valuable advice to improve their skills and confidence.

The event is being provided free of charge with local sponsorship from Helensburgh Toyota and Argyll and Bute Council.