A CHARITY event will be held later this month to raise funds for a group that promotes all-ability sailing in Helensburgh.

The Helensburgh Challenger Group has been going for more than 30 years to bring access to sailing for individuals of all ages with disabilities.

Run by Helensburgh Sailing Club, dozens of sailors have benefited over the years learning on the Challenger, a small, single-seater trimaran dinghy.

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Past participants said, "Sailing gives me a sense of freedom” and, “It feels amazing to be out on the water”.

Others said, “It makes me forget about my disability” and “I enjoy being with like minded people”.

READ MORE: Helensburgh Challenger Group sailor Majid wins new award

The charity is holding a wellbeing evening on Friday, May 31 at 6.30pm for 7pm at the sailing club to help with running costs.

Tickets are £20 and are available from The Lomond Clinic, who will be running some of the sessions on the night.

Those will include remedial massage, Indian head massage, reflexology, tarot reading, iridology, physio, colour therapy, fruit tasting with Nature's Harvest and more.

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The Challenger Group is also looking for new sailors to sign up, and helpers - it takes a minimum of seven helpers to run a sailing session.

A spoeskerson for the group said: "We would love for you to attend our wellbeing evening, which will not only be a fun and educational evening, but will be raising valuable funds to help finance our group for the year ahead."

For more information on the group or the event, contact joannamartin2@gmail.com.