BOWLERS in Helensburgh were blessed with a great weather and a great turnout for their open day at the weekend.

Helensburgh Bowling Club hosted a 'Try Bowls' day on Saturday to introduce the sport to all ages in the community.

There was a steady stream of guests during the day to what is one of six clubs in the immediate area.

Our photographer, Ross Gardner, caught up with some of the sporting fun.

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Club president Gordon Stephen MBE joined committee members and coaches to help introduce bowling.

"Bowls is a relaxing sport that helps maintain a level of fitness and flexibility," the club told the Advertiser.

"A relaxing day on the green in the sun is a great way to encourage a sense of well-being.

"All the guests who attended the club said they enjoyed the friendly convivial atmosphere and found the bowling to be entertaining and interesting.

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)


"Some were surprised by the different sizes and biases of the bowls and how easy it was to find a suitable size and weight to match a person’s abilities.

"These days the bowls can come in many different colours and can be personalised with different motifs. This, combined with bright club colours for team uniforms, has started to encourage some younger bowlers into the game.


Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

"Everyone who attended the day said it was a lovely venue with a great vista and they thought the coaching and practice was excellent.

"A good number of people enjoyed it enough to the extent that they signed up to join the club on the day and many others took away application forms."

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

Helensburgh Bowling Club Try Bowls event (Ross Gardner)

The club added: "Helensburgh Bowling Club always welcomes visitors as the sign outside the clubhouse states.

"Anyone who would like to learn more about bowls can contact the club or come along anytime, some visitors stop by merely out of curiosity when they hear the happy voices out on the green. You can also follow our Facebook page.

"The club members enjoyed welcoming the guests to the club and the president would like to thank not only the welcome guests who attended the Try Bowls but also the dedicated team of club members who did a great job on the day."

To find out more, email or call 01436 674267.