Helensburgh bargain hunters can find hidden gems at great prices during a car boot sale next month.

Jean's Bothy will be hosting their annual car boot sale in Colgrain Bowling Club on Saturday, June 8 starting at 10am (set up from 9am).

Tea, coffee, and filled rolls will also be on sale.

Katrina Sayer, Jean's Bothy Development Manager said: “Car boot sales are the perfect place to go hunting so we hope to see many of them at this one looking for some bargains.

“Our members are also taking part in a Bothy Bargain Quest where they have a £10 budget to buy something they hope will sell for a profit at our open day auction.”

The open day auction will take place on Wednesday, July 19.

Jean's Bothy is a mental health and wellbeing charity based in Helensburgh.

Pitches for the car boot sale cost £10 each and can be booked by contacting Nigel on 0774786329 or 01436 268629.