Pupils at a Helensburgh school have been enjoying a series of celebrations as they mark the school’s 30th anniversary.

Young people at Parklands School have taken part in a variety of fun activities such as seeing a pantomime, having a sleepover, and forming a new Scout group.

The year of celebrations kicked off with a pantomime funded by the parent council thanks to a successful coffee morning in December.

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A spokesperson for the school said: “All our pupils gained huge benefits from being involved in the pantomime in their own environment.

“Many of our pupils would find a trip to the pantomime overwhelming however, with the visiting panto, all of our pupils can enjoy it at their own level of participation.”

The school was an amalgamation of Ardlui and East Bay School and was originally built in 1993, with its official opening in 1994.

Parklands School was purpose built to meet the need of pupils with additional support needs of a severe/complex nature. The facilities include a sensory room, hydro pool, and sensory garden.

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There are currently 45 full time pupils aged from five to 18 years old.

The turn of the year also saw a successful sleepover in school raise £209 for Shelter. Senior pupils participated in the fun event as part of their SQA accreditation as a personal challenge.

The spokesperson continued: “The night was enjoyable for both staff and pupils with lots of dancing and singing, in aid of a good cause.

“Huge thanks go to The Palace chippy for providing pizza and chips, alongside cakes from the Deli in The Square, and we can’t forget to say thanks to Morrison’s for our breakfast goodies.”

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This year, the school also started Cub and Scout groups run by staff members as part of a lunch time club.

The groups were created to help combat the social issues that face the young people in the school.

The spokesperson added: “Many of the pupils in Parklands suffer from aspects of social isolation due to a lack of supported opportunities within the community.

“Parklands recognised this need and have introduced their first Cub and Scout group in school.

“This month saw the investiture of our new scouts and cubs as we welcomed parents and Barbara McDonald, District Commissionaire for Dunbartonshire Scouts.

“All pupils will participate in a variety of activities to work towards a variety of badges, including different aspects such as gardening, and other activities.”

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During March, the school also celebrated achieving their Bronze Rights Respecting Schools Award.

On weekends, a gang of volunteers made up of staff, parents, and friends of the school tend to the garden. This takes place on monthly basis with general weeding and maintenance to ensure pupils can continue to access the outdoor learning space.

The school is keen to hear from people of all skill levels who would like to volunteer in the gardens.

Those who are interested should contact the school by calling 01436 673714.