A former Royal Navy officer will present a talk on how a local horse-riding group helped her regain confidence after she was injured during training.

Louise Worrall, of the Gareloch Riding for the Disabled [RDA], will be hosting the u3a’s next talk on Monday, June 3 in the Helensburgh Parish Church Hall at 2pm.

Louise joined the Royal Navy as a Warfare Officer and worked as Navigation Officer on board HMS BANGOR.

Her career was cut short after she was injured during training, leading to a physical disability.

Louise approached Gareloch RDA to see if she could ride and found that the group helped her both physically and mentally.

A spokesperson for the u3a said: “In her talk, Louise will explain what RDA has to offer and how they can cater for a massive range of disabilities.

“She will also outline what it has done for her physically and mentally.

“Wanting to give back to the charity that helped her, she is now a board member and trustee.”

The u3a is aimed at retired or semi-retired people and gives members the chance to access exclusive talks.

Those who wish to join can find out more by visiting the Helensburgh group's official website at www.u3asites.org.uk/helensburgh.