A Helensburgh childcare centre has raised hundreds of pounds to help them buy their own minivan thanks to their successful 30th anniversary party.

BASIC and Cornerhouse Nursery’s celebrations took place on Saturday, May 18 and saw children and their parents enjoy a range of fun activities.

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As well as marking the milestone anniversary, the party also raised £750 for the nursery and out of school club to buy their own minibus.

Teacher Holly said: “We currently lease our minibus which is essential for transporting our afterschool children to and from school and taking our nursery children on outings.

“The children all absolutely loved it, and the parents did as well.

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“They all had great fun, and it was nice for them to see their nursery in a different environment.

“It was a gorgeous day as well, so we were quite lucky with the weather.”

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Children could enjoy face painting, a bake sale, glitter tattoos, a range of games, sponge the staff, and a lucky dip.

There was also a tombola with gifts donated by local businesses and a children’s clothes swap.

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The facility was established by a group of armed forces mothers for forces families in the area as a way of looking after each other’s children.

BASIC took over responsibility for the Corner House Creche in September 2008 and turned it into the Corner House Nursery, moving to its current base in East King Street in 2015.

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