Kilcreggan's only bank branch will close its doors for the last time on Thursday.

The Lloyds Banking Group announced last year that it planned to close the Bank of Scotland branch on Shore Road.

It is the only bank on the Rosneath Peninsula and it is the only cash point in Cove and Kilcreggan.

Lloyds came in for heavy criticism by Helensburgh and Lomond's MSP Jackie Baillie after saying the decision was taken because the number of customers at the branch is falling, but deciding to push ahead with the closure without seeking feedback from the public first.

However, it is expected that a community banker will visit the area to offer support and guidance to villagers after the doors close for the final time on August 15.

Local politicians and councillors had voiced their concerns over the planned closure, but it wasn't enough to reverse the decision.

The nearest alternative Bank of Scotland branch is located 15 miles away in Helensburgh, though villagers will be encouraged to use the Post Office on the same street to carry out their everyday banking needs.

The Bank of Scotland said it spoke with the town's MP and MSP, Post Office's area manager local councillors, the National Federation of Sub Postmasters, West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau, and the Scottish Chambers of Commerce to understand the effect the close would have.

READ NEXT: Royal Bank of Scotland confirms branch in Helensburgh will close later this year

Helensburgh and Lomond MSP Jackie Baillie who has spoken about the closure in the past, has said that the branch is a lifeline for communities without easy access to public transport.

At the time, she said: "I recognise that people’s banking habits are changing but I am extremely disappointed by the planned closure of the Bank of Scotland branch in Kilcreggan.

“This branch is a lifeline for people in outlying communities without easy access to public transport and is crucial to employment within the small village of Kilcreggan.

“It also has an important role for businesses and elderly people who may not be comfortable or confident in using online banking.

“I am disappointed that this decision has been made without meaningful engagement with local people and I urge the Bank of Scotland to ensure they carry out a full consultation exercise before confirming any future plans.”

Helensburgh has lost two bank branches - the TSB and Santander - within the past 10 years and is expected to lose the Royal Bank of Scotland branch next month.