Those of us who’ve been in rather closer contact with the nursing profession than we might have liked at various times, know that for them to withdraw their labour, even partially, is a sign of a health service in crisis.

We know too that it is no part of the ambition of ambulance crews to park for lengthy periods outside hospitals instead of responding to callouts.

What we don’t know, and can only guess, is the cumulative effect of having to deploy their skills through a pandemic where they will have seen more death in half a dozen months than they might have expected in six years. Or where some of them will have carried out these duties swaddled in restrictive protective outer clothing, whilst the hard-of-thinking others whined about wearing a mask in a shop.

Seems to me also pretty pointless to intone about training more staff – good idea, but that doesn’t happen overnight. And doesn’t happen at all if you can get more money elsewhere.

I was appalled to learn that some hospitals had food banks for their staff who couldn’t afford canteen prices.

If the last few years taught us anything it’s sure who really matters in this life; the medical profession, the care home staff, the folks who drove buses and vans through the pandemic.

If we can’t, or won’t, look after the folk who have looked after us then we really are stuffed.