PUPILS at Lomond School in Helensburgh enjoyed a taste of one of Heston Blumenthal's favourite cooking techniques at a practical workshop last week.

Along with pupils from the High School of Glasgow, Lomond's Higher health and food technology class took part in a course in 'molecular gastronomy' run by Scott Bradley.

The day saw them investigating the physical and chemical properties of food, and using ingredients not often found in the kitchen store cupboard - natural gums and dry ice - to make a variety of dishes.

Pupils also undertook a variety of sensory tests including having the chance to sample some sustainable protein foods such as buffalo worms and crickets.

Nicola Harwood, HFT teacher at Lomond said: “This was a great opportunity to showcase to our pupils that food and food preparation can be about so much more than the ingredients and the way we cook them.

“There really is a science and a technology behind food and it is fascinating to see this brought to life through workshops like this.”

The following day, Lomond School opened their doors to 23 health and food technology teachers from across Scotland to allow them to experience similar delights, with the hope that they will employ these techniques with their own classes.

Scott Bradley was an award winning chef for 13 years before re training as a teacher. He is currently head of department at Shotton Academy in Sunderland.

He runs the highly successful food teaching for all support group and is a consultant for the Design and Technology Association and STEM, which works towards a world-leading education for young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.