Helensburgh drivers of all abilities are encouraged to join a safe driving assessment and guidance session this month.

Hosted by the Institute of Advanced Motorists [IAM], the drop-in event will take place in Hermitage Academy on Sunday, April 23 between 10.30am and 4pm.

Drivers and motorbike riders are asked to bring their cars to the session where they can access a free driving assessment, manoeuvrability session, and listen to driving and safety tips.

Jim Bowles, from IAM, said: “At the Institute of Advanced Motorists we say that having your driving skills periodically reviewed is part of being a responsible motorist.

“It is a great way to ensure that you and your passengers are safe.

“Even if you are an excellent driver, our expert assessor can make sure your skills are as sharp as they can be.”

The evening is being held in partnership with Police Scotland Argyll and West Dunbartonshire.

Police Constable Gary Davidson is welcoming drivers who have been behind the wheel for decades to visit so they can brush up on and check their skills.

He said: “Whether you are a new driver or a more mature driver with years of motoring experience, this event will be of benefit and improve your driving ability.

“Argyll and West Dunbartonshire is a very diverse area, with many rural communities where people rely on their own transport.

“Some might have passed their driving test decades ago and done very little since to test their ability so it would be of particular benefit for drivers in that category to come along and have their skills assessed.”

Argyll and Bute Council, the Scottish Fire Service, and Toyota are also partnering with IAM for the event.

Locals do not need to register their interest and can simply show up to the event – however the last slot for a driving assessment is at 3.15pm.