This week, Ruth Wishart looks at the social media storm caused by Donald Trump's 'covfefe' Tweet...

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Those who live by the tweet may die by the tweet. The Twittersphere – which can be an ugly place – can also, when on form, provide some of the best wit around. Arch tweeter Donald Trump, whose less than grammatical offerings, usually drop into view in the middle of the American night, has provided hours of innocent amusement with a 5 am offering this week which read:

“Despite the constant negative press covfefe”

Cue hilarity all round and the emergence of Covfefe twitter handles, planets, and imaginary foodstuffs.

There is of course a serious point underlying all this nonsense. A growing number of observers, including many US psychiatrists, are now openly questioning the mental state of the 45th President.

And they’re not doing so in a politically partisan fashion, but genuinely questioning whether someone with his manifold inability to listen, to learn, to absorb crucial information, to hold the same opinion two days running, can be safely left in charge of the governance of the world’s largest economy and nuclear arsenal.

On top of which there are increasing predictions that it will be ill health or obvious incapacity which will bring this embarrassing period in US history to an end rather than impeachment. The world view of Mr Trump was hardly enhanced by his behavior on tour, or by the stark contrast with his predecessor as Barack Obama delivered elegant speeches in Germany and Edinburgh.