When Jesus was born, the angels sang to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace.”

There doesn’t seem to be much peace in our world at the moment. War still ranges in Ukraine and I am fearful that the war between Israel and Hamas spills over into other countries.

Closer to home we have the increasing use of food banks and in our own schools staff are ensuring all pupils have at least one Christmas present this year. Hardly circumstances which lead to peace of mind for fraught parents.

As we look forward to 2024, my prayer for us all is more peace in our lives.

As I pray, I am reminded that I often have the answer to my prayers in my own hands, so if praying for peace in the Middle East, I need to live peace here; if I am praying for peace of mind for others, I need to work to help that happen.

Some of the challenges we face may need political solutions, yet we can all take steps to make 2024 a more peaceful year for all people. Can our New Year resolution be to work for and at peace?