As someone who has lived south of the border for most of their adult life I take a cautious path when discussing Scottish independence, feeling I need to fully understand the implications before reaching a conclusion. However when interviewees started spouting almost racist remarks regarding the Scots I found myself so irate I had to stop for a coffee to get over my anger. A man from Portsmouth claimed the Scots had suckled at the English breast for centuries. It was an emotive and ridiculous argument but did set me thinking about how many great Scots there have been through the years and the impact they have had on the world (and that stupid man’s life) and how much poorer our lives would be without their contributions. Of course locally we can quote a huge list of local heroes, Henry Bell and John Logie Baird being the obvious ones, and every community in Scotland has someone they can be proud of. I wonder if the ignorant man from Portsmouth realises just how much improved his life is because of the Scots who have worked tirelessly to make the world a better place. The independence debate will rage on of that there is no doubt, and no one is happy when people lose their jobs, whether it is in Portsmouth or on the Clyde, in this area particularly we share a common bond with the residents of Portsmouth being naval towns, but ignorant, aggressive vitriol is not the answer, we should be sympathetic and supportive of each other and celebrate our local heroes, no matter where they hail from. Oh and engage our brains before spouting off!

The dramatic closing down of the Logie Baird has shocked a lot of people. Of course there is sadness that a business which employed local people has meant they are out of work just before Christmas, but the brutality with which these actions are taken seems so awful. As people were eating their lunch the liquidators arrived and cleared the place. An upsetting thing to happen to customers and staff alike, why can’t these things happen after the close of business? Does it really make such a difference to the amount of money owed? At a time when we are constantly complaining about people not being kind and thoughtful enough to each other it becomes hard to carry out that way of thinking when those in authority are the worst. Setting an example might be a better approach.

No local hero this week, instead a plea to householders and businesses on West Princes Street regarding their bins, several times this week I have had to clear bins from the middle of the pavement, young mums with pushchairs and wheelchair users are forced onto the road if they can’t get past and the speed drivers drive along the road at the moment is dangerous. Don’t have it on your conscience if any of these poor souls end up in an accident because of your thoughtlessness.