A Helensburgh athlete is hoping to inspire people to get into powerlifting after he won a national competition.

Chris Martin, a coach at Helensburgh's The Journey in Colquhoun Square, attended the British Drug Free Powerlifting Association’s (BDFPA) National Single Lift Championships.

Held in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, on Saturday, March 2, athletes from all over the country took part in the event, which featured some lifters as young as 14 and others in their late eighties.

Winning his fifth Equipped Bench Press title, Chris started with a 235kg bench press - 2.5kg above the world record for his age and weight - and finished the event with a lift of 242.5kg.

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Chris said: "I really want to show through my own lifting achievements how important strength training can be to people, especially as they get older.

“It doesn't need to be competitive lifting, but regular resistance training can help you stay active longer, literally adding years to your life and life to your years."

Chris was crowned British Equipped Bench Press Champion in 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022 and won the title of National Powerlifting Champion in 2023.

Chris runs both a men's and ladies' lifting class at The Journey and has recently released a book on Amazon, Powerlifting Basics, to help people get into the sport.

He added: "Lifting weights isn't just for big men, it makes a difference to everyone, young and old.”

Chris is currently working on his second book, which will focus on weight training.