Residents in Cardross are invited to a drop-in event that will offer advice on heating homes in the face of increasing energy bills.

The Warm Homes and Village Sustainability Event, hosted by Cardross Climate Action Network (CAN), will take place in Cardross Church Hall on Saturday, January 20, from noon to 4pm.

Locals can access energy-saving tips, receive advice on reducing heating bills, engage in private one-to-one consultations and explore a pop-up library featuring eco-books.

The refill shop Made Guid, in Dumbarton, is expected to have a pop-up stall at the event and Dumbarton police will be present to tag bikes.

During the event, Cardross Primary's Earth club will be showcasing what they have learned about climate change.

READ MORE: Warm Homes advice event in Cardross is hailed a success

There will also be presentations from stall holders such as Citizens Advice Bureau, AliEnergy, Argyll and Bute Council, and Home Energy Scotland running throughout the day, with information on grants and funds being provided.

Attendees can enjoy hot drinks and home baking while children have fun in the activity area.

Lifts are available to anyone who needs assistance getting to the event within the Cardross area.

We previously reported that their first drop-in event held in 2022 was hailed a success after hundreds of people attended.

Lindsey Young, chairperson of Cardross CAN, told the Advertiser: "We are looking forward to welcoming the community to this event and hope people will find it full of useful information."

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